In the Myths of Classical Greece and Rome, Themis was the Titan charged with prophecy, with divine law, and with justice. In Ancient Greece, she was one of the first Oracles at Delphi, reading signs and guiding everyone from Kings to wanderers towards the correct action and their future. Ovid tells the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha, who are chosen to survive a flooded and destroyed world; Themis gazes into the waters of her oracular tripod and advises them to toss the bones of their mother behind them to rebuild the human race.  And as they follow her sage words by throwing clay from the Earth over their shoulders, the fallen sod grows into a new humankind and a bright future.

Themis Insight helps to solve difficult business, IT and analytic problems by addressing the whole problem – not just the symptoms – using interdisciplinary approaches that are both practical and innovative. We provide a fresh alternative to ordinary, mainstream consulting firms through the use of small, highly skilled, and hand-picked teams that can meet the needs of clients in any industry. Themis Insight offers tailored approaches not just staff. Our foremost focus is to understand your unique goals, risk, and challenges from which we gain the insight to tailor advice and solutions that address immediate problems and equip your organization for long-term success.